Polymath software manual
Polymath software manual

  1. Polymath software manual upgrade#
  2. Polymath software manual full#
  3. Polymath software manual verification#

The following documentation was available to the audit team:

Polymath software manual full#

Sound Architecture: Evaluation of the architecture of this system through the lens of established smart contract best practices and general software best practices.Ĭode Correctness and Quality: A full review of the contract source code. Security: Identifying security related issues within each contract and within the system of contracts. The audit activities can be grouped in the following three categories: The focus of the audit was to verify that the smart contract system is secure, resilient and working according to its specifications.

  • Co-auditors: Sergii Kravchenko, Steve Marx.
  • 7 Business Logic Review v2.2.0 to v3.0.0 ModulesĬonsenSys Diligence conducted a security audit on the Polymath Core smart contracts that comprise a system for launching regulatory-compliant securities tokens on a decentralized blockchain.
  • 3.34 LockUpTransferManager._removeLockUpFromUser checks for an impossible condition.
  • polymath software manual

  • 3.33 SecurityToken / STGetter storage layout is hard to maintain.
  • 3.32 EtherDividendCheckpoint and ERC20DividendCheckpoint division by zero.
  • 3.31 public functions in TokenLib could be external instead.
  • 3.30 Modules shouldn't be casted to IBoot.
  • 3.29 Redundant pause and unpause functions in TransferManager.
  • 3.28 Module.takeUsageFee() allows admins to drain a module's approved POLY tokens.
  • 3.26 Use latest stable version of Solidity.
  • polymath software manual

    3.25 PolyToken - events are redefined in the implementation.3.24 SecurityToken/STGetter (ERC1643) getAllDocuments - can be cause gas or memory issues if used.3.23 SecurityToken - authentication modifier onlyTokenFactory is never used.3.22 Module - authentication modifier onlyFactoryOwner and onlyFactoryOrOwner are never used.3.20 Improve Code Reusability - Use const variables instead of literals for EIP-1066 status codes.3.19 deleteDelegate should be implemented without array iteration in permission manager.3.18 SecurityToken - Missing Input Validation changeName.3.17 Where possible, a specific contract type should be used rather than address.3.16 SecurityToken - security token name change may cause inconsistency.3.15 Different implementations for the same modifier whenNotPausedOrOwner.3.14 SecurityTokenRegistry does not inherit from ISecurityTokenRegistry.3.13 VestingEscrowWallet - Integer Underflow and unchecked array access in pushAvailableTokensMulti().

    Polymath software manual upgrade#

  • 3.12 Security token upgrade info should be editable.
  • 3.11 partitionsOf function always returns empty array.
  • 3.10 _returnPartition function of SecurityToken always returns UNLOCKED partition.
  • 3.9 _balanceOfByPartition function returns wrong value.
  • 3.8 ModuleRegistry - Risks of allowing custom modules in the system.
  • Polymath software manual verification#

  • 3.7 ModuleRegistry - Custom module verification should be bounded to module version.
  • 3.6 Transfer decisions by default should be consistent.
  • 3.5 ModuleRegistry - Custom modules can block their own removal.
  • 3.4 No new ST can be created after implementation upgrade.
  • polymath software manual

    3.3 Polymath can arbitrarily change prices during a USDTieredSTO token sale.3.2 Unpredictable behavior due to front running or general bad timing.3.1 SecurityToken contract should always be initialized.

    Polymath software manual